Severe and chronic forms of pain can be unbearable for many people whose physical tolerance limits are very poor. Pain can be due to external injury, trauma-related injuries, or post-surgical healing process. Doctors often prescribe painkillers to suppress the pain. But many of the patients may find them inadequate. So, what is the way out?
Pain and Addiction –Stage 1
An individual may start with a mild psychoactive drug like marijuana. It could be medically prescribed by a physician or illegally bought. He feels the pain relief considerably more than the painkillers. But the relief is only temporary. The intensity may increase once the effects of marijuana diminish. Then he needs more of it a single dosage than before. At some stage, the body becomes immune to marijuana and the pain intensity may increase.
Fundamentals of Pain and Addiction
Severe and chronic forms of pain can be unbearable for many people whose physical tolerance limits are very poor. Pain can be due to external injury, trauma-related injuries, or post-surgical healing process. Doctors often prescribe painkillers to suppress the pain. But many of the patients may find them inadequate. So, what is the way out?
Pain and Addiction –Stage 1
An individual may start with a mild psychoactive drug like marijuana. It could be medically prescribed by a physician or illegally bought. He feels the pain relief considerably more than the painkillers. But the relief is only temporary. The intensity may increase once the effects of marijuana diminish. Then he needs more of it a single dosage than before. At some stage, the body becomes immune to marijuana and the pain intensity may increase.
Pain and Addiction – Stage 2
It’s the stage in which the patient may opt for hard drugs morphine, cocaine, or other opiates like heroin. He experiences pain suppression and hallucination effects. At some stage, his body gets conditioned these opiate drugs and his mind gets obsessed. Continued intake can start burning the body and brain from within. Now, there is no way of returning to normal life, unless he asks for help.
De-Addiction and Pain Healing
Most people feel severe and chronic addiction is a hopeless condition, but it is not so. There are many De-Addiction Rehab centers in every city and state. They can heal the addiction in a stage-wise treatment process.
- Removal of toxic elements from the body, brain, and blood
- Healing of affected internal organs
- Restoration of physical health
- Elimination of physical craving for drugs
- Psychotherapy for the elimination of mental obsession
- Rehabilitation and counseling for smooth life management
- Removal of pain and stress from the body and brain
A patient coming out of the rehab center can remain sober and sane for the rest of his life through regular contact programs and meetings. He can regain his ability to function as a healthy individual within his family and community.
Chiropractic Way of Pain healing
Chiropractic techniques are proven to be pain healers as alternative methods. One of the key treatments used is spinal traction. It could be the healing factor for many forms of external and internal pain in the human body. It is effective because most of the Central Nervous system passes through the spine. An experienced chiropractor can find the root cause of pain and treat the patients accordingly.
Chiropractic also consists of many adjustment therapies like the activator technique and the diversified technique. They can provide natural healing for many forms of pain related to injuries, post-surgical wounds, fracture, muscle-pull, and others. Healing may take relatively more time, but the results are stated to be effective and long-lasting.
The patients who enter the realm of addiction can find the best treatments at the Detox and rehab centers. Those who don’t want to experiment with drugs can walk into the chiropractic centers for trusted treatments.