What kinds of exercise equipment are suitable for novices?
In today’s hectic life, where taking out time for oneself has become almost unimaginable, youngsters are trying to take out time by exercising their way out. In this context, the youngsters should be guided to exercise in the right way. Any untoward pull of muscle can lead to serious consequences and care should be taken to ensure that no injury takes place. Initially an exercise regimen can be an intimidating experience. A trip to your neighbouring gym can seem very daunting and young people are most likely to get stunned by the assortment of apparatus’ and exercise equipment.
Not all exercise equipment are suitable for all body types and beginners should understand what is required and appropriate for them and their bodies. Whether the exercise routine is for strength, weight loss, lean muscle gain, or overall fitness, routine workout can help one figure things out and start off with the right note toward his or her health and fitness goals. There are chiefly two types of equipment that are important and apt for beginners and they are free weights and machines. Free weights are the most fundamental type of bodybuilding equipment. Free weights are called so because there are no affixed pulleys, cables, pins, or weight stacks and they consist of barbells, dumbbells, and weight plates only. Unlike free weights, machines allow one to perform a diverse range of exercises and are normally easier to rely on and safe than free weights. A number of machines intend to work on individual muscles, whereas some other machines incorporate a number of tools and gears that works on the whole body. With each new day and a new machine, a new muscle gets trained, which is good for the overall fitness in young people.
The exercise equipment most suitable for novices are the leg press machine for overall leg exercise, the hack squat machine for developing the outer seep of the thighs. A Leg Extension machine helps in warming up their quadriceps and the knee joints before proceeding on to squats or leg presses. The Leg Curl machine is used for hamstring exercises and calf machines are of two types – Standing Calf Raise machine which works on the upper calf muscles and the Seated Calf Raise machine which tones the lower calf muscles. The Leg Abduction machine which works on the inner thighs and Adduction machine which works on the outer thighs. Then there is the Lat Pull down machine for the back where the movement is similar to a chin-up but this a better alternative. Coming to the isolation of the pectoral muscles (chest) the Pec Deck Machine is the best. And last but not the least Cables and Pulleys for exercising the entire body using the small attached handle.
For a beginner, using proper equipment can be the best method for developing each body part. Special strength building workouts will make the regimen more productive and the muscle stimulation will be at its maximum. Machine based workouts provide better support for the weaker areas and allows the intended muscle to be isolated and strengthened before progressing to free weight. The best situation is to take in both the free weight and machine exercises in your workout regimens and this way you can get the best of both.