Many people around the world are affected by a poor posture. Poor posture can affect your appearance and how a person feels about him or herself. It can contribute to a pain in a cervical and lumbar spine, cephalgia, intervertebral disc problems and even occasional chronic pain and breathing problems.
Here are the 4 Major Causes of Poor Posture
Soft Tissue Injury or Pain
Every time an individual has soft tissue injury an antalgic posture iS an inevitable result. This can become a programmed habit. Holding yourself differently or walking differently can be caused by an injury or pain in just about any part of your body so it is not limited to back or neck injuries.
Muscle Imbalance
Every day activities can develop larger and stronger muscles on one side of the body. A recent example was a patient of mine who was carrying heavy bag on one side of her body. Her upper trapezium became more developed on one side of the body. This imbalance caused a subluxation in her cervical spine and as a result shooting pain down her left upper extremity has happened. She though it was a heart attack first and called 911. Medical Doctors could not find anything wrong with her. These symptoms assimilate hear attack. More detailed about this episode is in this post: “Heart attack or Thoracic Outlet Syndrome.”
Low Self Esteem
Individuals with low self esteem keep their head down and shoulders forward. This can result in a loss of a cervical lordosis curvature. This can become a bad habit and can lead to a chronic bad posture.
Carrying extra weight around the abdominal area can have problems with lower back being pulled forward by the weight of the stomach. Scientific term – Pendulous Abdominis.
These four cases are the most common causes of a bad posture. This is a learned habit that can be unlearned by an individual. It can be difficult to correct your posture on your own. Considering chiropractic care is a good start. You may also consider using posture aid till you learn how to stand correctly on your own. There are a variety of different aids on the market including back and neck supports and posture pumps.
If I missed anything, please feel free to express yourself in a comment area.