4 Essential Super Foods For Your Health
It is a fact. You are what you eat. Which is why there might be some days you feel like a cream filled sponge cake than the beefed up lean body that you have always aspired to reach. But this fact is something that you are already aware of, which is why like most of us, you too are constantly trying to start anew, refresh your act and begin on a healthy diet.
Unfortunately, doing that is just not enough. Because even if you think you are eating healthy by chomping on fresh apples, salads with iceberg lettuce, bananas etc., the fact is that you are not eating smart. If your main goal is to build a rock hard body with ripped abs, thunderous arms and a razor sharp brain you will need to make the most of every morsel that you put in your mouth and make it count. This means, creating a diet from scratch, based on the most nutrient dense, muscle growing, disease fighting and potent foods available at hand.
But the question arises, where does one begin? How does one recognise which foods bring out the absolute best in you? Here are the top most important foods that every person must include for enhanced fitness and top health.
- Turkey breast.
Skinless turkey breast can be consumed three times a week that will be helpful in providing your body with more than 8 grams of muscle building protein in every ounce. Each portion or serving of skinless turkey breast provides approximately 71 calories. In addition, turkey meat is high in zinc, selenium, B vitamins, and amino acids while practically containing nil saturated fats. Considered to be one of the most versatile cuts of meat available for consumption, turkey meat can be easily consumed more than thrice a week without having to eat the same kind of preparation twice.
- Quinoa.
The newest super food around the block, quinoa is an exotic whole-grain that is considered to be the staple food of the natives in the Andes mountains. Quinoa can be had three times per week as it offers 315 calories per half cup, thus making it an ideal meal filled with flavour and light on the palate. Some of its strong points include high protein content than any other whole-grain around, heart healthy unsaturated fats, high amount of fibre and vitamins B.
- Extra virgin olive oil.
One tablespoon of olive oil contains 115 calories and approximately 2 tablespoons of olive oil can be safely consumed every day. Extremely rich in monounsaturated fat, olive oil makes for an ideal food for good heart health. According to research, substituting two tablespoons of butter or lard with olive oil help in reducing the risk of cardiovascular disorders among participants. Based on a study conducted by the ‘Nature’ journal, olive oil possesses anti-inflammatory characteristics, which is useful in reducing swelling and pain. Olive oil can not only be used in cooking food but also used as a dressing for salads, and some fitness experts swear of its fitness properties by mixing one tablespoon of olive oil in their daily protein shakes.
- Eggs.
Eggs are not only cheap and abundant but are the gold standard among fitness and athletes in providing all kinds of right nutrients for the growth of muscle. Eating between 4 to 7 eggs per week is perfectly good, as one large egg contains approximately 72 calories while providing a power packed 4 grams of pure muscle building amino acids, choline and protein.
Carol is a food diet expert, writes matters related to healthy food and diet. She is currently associated with US Premium Garcinia Cambogia, that aids people lose weight.