A better mood: A study from Disease and Prevention finds that smokers are at a higher risk of being depressed than none smokers. This research is not completely clear whether it is a depression that leads a person to smoke or the puffing that leads to it, or it is a combination of both.
Clean Genes: it is a known fact that people who smoke have a higher cancer risk. A research from the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine proved that exposure to any amount of smoke could cause genetic alterations in lung cells, thus lead to malignancy over time
No scale shock: Any health care practitioners advice against of quit smocking and dieting simultaneously. Research from a journal Addiction proves that combination of both makes those who try successful at both. You can maintain your weight after smocking as the thing of the past.
Here is a very interesting link with a time table of what is happening to a body after one quits smocking – Stop Smocking Recovery Table. Below this table there are many different free download PDF reports that might be helpful to anyone who tries to quit smocking.